Feeds4 is excited to launch our newest platform update.  Over the last month we upgraded our affiliate marketing banner ad rotators with performance improvements and security enhancements.   Our newest ad server technology has surpassed all benchmarking metrics and now performs 382% faster than previous versions of our Adserver technology.

Performance and Security

Adserver 2.1 also comes with upgraded security features allowing for better platform tracking and improved communications between our downstream clients.   Adserver 2.1 is proving to be our most stable and secure version ever released.

What is Adserver?

Feeds4 Adserver allows publishers to display dynamic ad units on their websites.  All ad units focus on affiliate marketing banners and can be customized down to the client’s page. Publishers can configure their ad rotators to use our multi-tenant channel technology. Our technology displays the most relevant ads based on the publishers chosen criteria while keeping the banner rotation content fresh. Publishers who leverage Adserver now have an extremely targeted ad arsenal at their disposal without the need for software development or time consuming ad maintenance.

Adserver 2.1 is now included with all Feeds4 subscription plans.

See it in action

Here is an example 300 x 250 ad unit rotating select web service banners from various merchants,